Shiatsu workshops
You can make a proposal to have shiatsu treatments on your event or retreat, and ask Satya to give these sessions on location. For example, the participants of the workshop could receive a shiatsu massage before or after.
A workshop for pregnant women and their partners, could be organized on demand. To one or more couples at the same time. So you can be prepared together for birth.
Satya gave shiatsu workshops to the dancers of the Fontys Dance Academy in Tilburg, The Netherlands.
At the yurt in Overijse SELF_MASSAGE COURSES I got the demand to give a course to prevent illness and stress by doing exercises and auto-massage. We will start with a Chi Gong warm-up, meridian stretches and the self massaging techniques of shiatsu. We will start with a small group in the yurt of Overijse. Do you want to join the group? please contact me Every other Sunday at 11a.m. courses at DE Woudpoort in Overijse WAVE DANCE COURSE The purpose of this class is to feel free and to move with your body through different waves. We will use inputs from the 5 rhythms, contemporary dance and improvisation. It’s all guided along the way. You don’t need to have experience, only in need of movement. These difficult times in our world can feel lighter for a moment when we dance and meet our inner selves through dancing. |
Secure your spot by contacting me if you want to join.
8th Of February Shiatsu baby massage at GC De Bosuil at 10 a.m.
24th of April Shiatsu baby massage at GC De Bosuil at 10 a.m.
1st of May Shiatsu baby massage at GC De Bosuil at 10 a.m.
8th of May Shiatsu baby massage at GC De Bosuil at 10 a.m.